The Applied Research Collective for American Jewry at NYU
The Applied Research Collective for American Jewry at NYU convenes scholars and practitioners, in and beyond the Jewish community, to collaboratively develop recommendations in funding and policy for Jewish foundations and organizations. Recognizing the dramatic societal, economic, and political changes of the 21st century, ARC seeks to generate a responsive body of literature and cohort of thinkers to enhance Jewish communal life for the coming decades.
The Fellowship: Five scholars will continue their research for a second year, expanding on their questions about the future of the American Jewish community and using the research period to craft actionable recommendations for policymakers and funders. Learn more about 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 cohorts.
Roundtable: In the first week of June, fellows present their work at New York University to scholars, foundation professionals, and jewish communal leaders.
Carol Gilligan, New York University
Eliyahu Stern, Yale University
Lila Corwin Berman, Temple University
Jon A. Levisohn, Brandeis University
Annie Polland, American Jewish Historical Society
Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, New York University
Research Scholar & Program Manager
Chelsea Garbell, New York University
Advisory Board
Mark Charendoff, The Maimonides Fund
Jay Kaiman, The Marcus Foundation
Barry Finestone, The Jim Joseph Foundation
Lisa Eisen, The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation