High Holidays @ NYU Hillel
Register here for Fall 2024 High Holiday services
Looking for High Holiday services, programs, and meals? Join our rabbinic team and reform, conservative, or orthodox student groups for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, and check out our full schedule of Holiday programs and initiatives.

Reserve your spot!
Registration is required for High Holiday services, meals & programs.
2024 | 5785 schedule
rosh hashanah
wednesday, october 2nd
6pm - apples and honey schmooze (kimmel center) | students only
6:30pm - reform services (kimmel center)
6:30pm - conservative services (kimmel center)
information about orthodox rosh hashanah services to come
7:30pm - community dinner (kimmel center) | students only
thursday, october 3rd
8am - orthodox services (sixth st synagogue)
9:30am - conservative services (kimmel center)
10:30am - reform services (kimmel center)
12:30pm - community lunch (bronfman center) | students only
2pm - tashlich: reflection by the river | students only
friday, october 4th
8am - orthodox services (sixth st synagogue)
10:30am - conservative services (bronfman center)
12:30pm - community lunch (bronfman center) | students only
yamim noraim | students only, at the bronfman center
10/6 and 10/7 - see full programming at bronfmancenter.org/october7
10/9, 4-5:30pm - teshuvah in a time of forgiveness
10/9. 7-9pm - bridging faith & identity: an LBGTQ+ affirming space
10/10, 7-9pm - bridging faith & identity: a JOC-SM affirming space
yom kippur
friday, october 11th
4:30pm - community dinner (GCASL 461 and 475) | students only
6pm - kol nidre reform services (kimmel center)
6pm - kol nidre conservative services (kimmel center)
details given upon registration - orthodox services with Downtown Minyan | students only (register here)
saturday, october 12th
day-long - orthodox services with Downtown Minyan | students only (register here)
9:30am - conservative services (kimmel center)
10:30am - reform services (kimmel center)
1:30pm - mindful eating (bronfman center) | students only
3pm - board games and reflection (bronfman center) | students only
5pm - october 7 memorial service (kimmel center)
5:45pm - reform & conservative yizkor service (kimmel center)
6:15pm - reform neilah service (kimmel center)
6:15pm - conservative neilah service (kimmel center)
7pm - community break-fast meal (kimmel center) | students only
for accessibility requests or general questions, e-mail hillel@nyu.edu
Kosher Cafeteria High Holiday Hours
10/2 erev rosh hashanah - 11:30am-2pm
10/3-10/4 rosh hashanah - closed
10/11 erev yom kippur - 11:30am-2pm
10/12 yom kippur - closed
Service Options
Kesher is NYU’s home for Reform-style, progressive, egalitarian, and inclusive Jewish life. Kesher means connection, which is why creating a welcoming community is at the heart of what we do. We hope to see you at our spiritually uplifting Shabbat, or at one of our many events throughout the year.
Kehillah means community! We're traditional, we're egalitarian, we're completely student-run. Join us for joyous conservative-style services every Friday night!
Shalhevet is the go-to student organization for Modern Orthodox university students. We provide students with daily minyanim, Shabbat programming and meals, weekly education opportunities, and more! Our doors are open to anyone, regardless of background or belief, who wants to experience Modern Orthodox life on campus.