A research center and innovation hub.
Learn about our programs beyond NYU’s campus.
Religious Diplomacy
In a region where religious identities are deeply intertwined with political, social and cultural contexts, religious diplomacy, particularly among the Abrahamic religions, serves as a means to foster to dialogue, understanding and reconciliation among diverse faith communities.
Jewish Diversity
Diversity within the Jewish community spans across several planes, from religious orientation and level of observance to diverse national and geographical heritage. Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, African and East Asian Jews share a collective identity as the Jewish people, but each group brings forth its own distinct experience and identity. Learn about our research that seeks to honor these diverse identities.
Social Innovation
The I3 innitiative offers a variety of executive education programs connected with Judaism, Israel and issues affecting New Yorkers. The Bronfman Center’s I3 initiative has served as its hub for social innovation. Exposing participants to the language, mindset and culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, I3 offers a variety of executive education programs connected with Judaism, Israel and issues affecting New Yorkers. Nir Tsuk will continue to lead this initiative, now housed through the Bronfman Center.